Wednesday, July 18, 2012


So as we all know, the subway is pretty fucking crowded. What do you do when you don't have a seat to sit in, a pole to hold, or a door to lean Surf. Its not just for californians anymore. Surfing is all about maintaining balance. He's a tip or two to keep you from falling, knocking people over, and making an ass of yourself. Make sure you have your feet spread, shoulder length apart and grounded. Also, have one foot in front of you and the other behind. Please do this in a way where it looks natural. Please don't try and look like you are actually surfing.........People will rightly judge you. Anyways, now that your feet are in proper position, here is the key to Surfing. Weight Placement. When the train is leaving the station, place your weight on your back foot, and use that to ground you. When the train is stopping at a station, place your weight on your front foot. Trust me, if you do this right, you won't fall. If not, squeeze your way onto a pole, but it may be crowded and sweaty. Seriously? Seriously!

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